Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Oban High School we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our students and staff, and believe in a whole school approach to achieve this. We all need support from time to time - it may be with learning something new, with peer relationships, or making decisions about the future. Pupil support is based around our Clan system, where pupils are supported by Guidance teachers who are a family's first port of call should they need to share anything with us. Each clan also has a Family Liaison officer and a Depute and together these key staff support each young person during their time at Oban High School.
To see our Clan page for information on Clans and how to contact Guidance teachers, click here.
Courses & Curriculum
Learn about how mental health and wellbeing are integrated into education.
Legislation & Policy
Keep up to date with the most recent policies and legislation: both at national and local level.
We (the Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors)have been working with local professionals to bring you relevant and up to date content for this section and we will continue to update and review it.