
Secret Friends

The idea is that everyone who wants to be involved is given one name (which you keep to yourself) and throughout the year you can leave your friend little gifts/quotes/pick-me-ups/jokes etc. as often as you like in their pigeon hole, classroom or you can give them to young people to deliver.

Hopefully this will help keep each other smiling especially as the long dark nights draw in. 

An example of some lovely cards created by a 'secret friend' 


SAMH E-Learning for  Teachers

Provides a good insight into different scenarios that may arise in a school setting and how to deal with them.

Easy to follow and doesn't take long!

Place2B Mental Health Champions

Easy online training - can also complete on the App.

1-1.5 hours a week

Next Registration Date: ongoing

Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing 

A Professional Learning Resource in Mental Health and Wellbeing. It has been designed for all staff working in schools across Scotland, but it is open access and available to anyone who may find it of benefit.

Staff Clubs 

British Sign Language

Friday's at 1pm in G5, all pupils and staff are welcome.


4-5 pm on Wednesday's in the atrium,  or a catch up at Thursday lunchtimes. Run by Mr Leadbeater, all pupils and staff welcome.


Staff football on Fridays after school.


Open to staff for free 5-6 pm in the evenings. Other times available on request. 

LGBTQ+ group

Friday lunchtimes in the hub, open to pupils and staff.


Run by Miss Gilvary on Mondays after school.

This is not an exhaustive list - for any queries regarding sports for staff,  please speak to the PE department.

100 Club 

For those of you who are not familiar with the Club, it is run by the Social Committee to help raise funds for staff events. Throughout the year these funds contribute towards cards, flowers and gifts for staff on occasions such as births, bereavements and retirements. This is a really nice way for us as a staff to let our colleagues know we are thinking of them.

The 100 Club involves a monthly draw with two winners. In previous years the first winner has received £20 and the second winner £10. The worth of the prizes very much depends on the number of staff who participate in the Club each year. To join the Club all you need to do is pick a number(s) from 1-100 (first come first served), and pay £10 per number. This number will last you for the whole year.

For more information, please contact Susan Forrest.

Social Committee

PayDay Friday

Christmas Under the Lights

Secret Santa

Christmas Door

Staff Nights Oot